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PhD Positions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Can I apply even if I did not receive my degree yet?

    Yes. However, you must hold or anticipate receiving your university degree before starting your thesis work.

  • Can I apply for a PhD position with a bachelor’s being my highest degree?

    We cannot accept applications by students with a bachelor’s being their highest degree at the time of potentially taking up a PhD position. A completed or imminent Master’s degree is a prerequisite for the application as a PhD student in our program as well as for being awarded a doctorate by TUD.

  • I have an MSc in ABC and XYZ or MFG. Am I eligible to apply for a PhD in your program?

    You can find the general information about requirements on this website. If you think, what you read there applies to you, we’ll be happy to receive your application. Please understand, that we cannot give you a more detailed answer to this question, based on brief information about an academic record you send us via e-mail.

    In order to find out whether you are eligible to join the program eventually, we have installed a multi-level and thorough application and evaluation process. It is a highly competitive application with several hundreds of people applying each year for 20–30 PhD positions we can offer.

  • Is there an age limit?

    We do not have a strict age limit. However, we would like to point out that we expect a coherent career path and most of our 1st year students are on average 25 years old.

  • What is the working language within the DIGS-ILS?

    Our working language is English and you can follow our program without any knowledge of German. However, we strongly encourage learning German while you are here.

  • What documents do I need to provide during the application process?

    You need to upload the official certificates and academic transcripts (BSc, Masters) in order to complete your online application. It is not necessary to upload your CV, course certificates, language certificates, thesis, publications, a GRE result, or any other document that is not requested.

  • Do I need to provide my certificates translated into English?

    No. However, please provide English documents if available.

  • Do I need to provide a GRE result?

    No, we do not a GRE result from you. Our faculty and staff will assess your application based on your provided texts and certificates.

  • Do I need to provide TOEFL or IELTS results?

    No. But if available we recommend uploading TOEFL or IELTS results to your application, since high proficiency is required.

  • I have my own funding. Does this guarantee a place in the program?

    No. All applicants must successfully pass the admission procedure in order to be eligible to join.

  • Can I modify my application?

    You can modify your application before you submit it to us. Thereafter, changes are not possible. Note that this includes the addition of materials (certificates, transcripts, test results). No modifications or materials can be accepted outside our online application system.

  • Can the PhD Office add or revise information of my application?

    No. The program does not add or change information within applications.

  • How many reference letters are required for my application?

    Your application needs to be supported by a minimum of two academic reference letters submitted to us. We can only consider recommendations that are submitted via the online recommendation form and not via email.

  • My referee did not receive your invitation for submitting a reference letter. What can I do?

    After adding a referee to your application, you will trigger the e-mail sent to them yourself in the application system. After a day’s freeze you can send the e-mail again. You can trigger the e-mail maximum three times for each referee! You need to make sure that you provide correct information and should also inform your referee about the time of sending your request to ensure they check also their junk/spam folders.

  • What can I do if I provided faulty contact information for my referee?

    If you haven’t sent the system e-mail to the referee yet, you can edit their data. If you cannot edit anymore but discover a faulty e-mail address, delete the referee and add them again.

  • How will I know that my referee submitted a recommendation letter?

    The online application will give you the status of the recommendation letters. The list of forms gives you a brief colour-coded overview of the status of each form. A red square in front of the name of a form tells you that something is missing. In case of the referees this means you don’t have enough submitted reference letters. Opening the “Referees” form gives you more details about the status of each reference. Please note that you will only be informed about the status and not see the recommendation letter itself.

  • Does the DIGS-ILS charge an application fee, and how much is it?

    We do not charge an application fee.

  • Do I need to contact research group leaders before applying?

    No, it is not necessary to contact group leaders. You will be applying to the program as a whole, not to a particular group. However, in the online application you will find a form in which you can list up to six research groups you are interested in.

  • Which group leaders are currently offering thesis projects?

    We publish a list of group leaders looking for PhD candidates. However, please note that this list is subject to constant modification due to probable changes in the group leaders’ funding situation. Thus, during your application, you are not limited to the groups from that list.

  • What happens to my application if I select a group leader of interest who isn’t listed as recruiting?

    When an application is submitted, it will be evaluated following a series of assessment steps. Candidates with successful applications will be contacted within four to eight weeks and will be invited to participate in a video interview with the Admission Panel. Those who pass this step qualify for one-to-one interviews with group leaders, and therefore, to enter our PhD program upon finding a hosting group for their PhD.

    If the group leader of interest does not yet have a vacant position, they will be contacted to see if there is mutual interest with the candidate and any possibility of him/her joining the lab. If this is not the case, the candidate will be given the opportunity to find another suitable project and lab within up to six months. We believe that this system offers everyone the flexibility and possibility to find the right host lab within DIGS-ILS.

  • After submitting my application: When will I be informed whether I will be invited for interviews?

    We will inform you whether you qualify for an Admission Committee interview approximately 5 weeks after the end of the application period. The Admission Committee interviews are generally scheduled for the sixth or seventh week after the application period. You can find the dates for the current round on our website’s PhD Positions pages.

  • Admission Committee interviews: How do they work?

    Specific instructions regarding the contents of the Admission Committee interview will be sent to the candidate together with the interview invitation. Invited candidates will receive a scheduled time and a link to connect to our videoconferencing system.

  • Admission Committee interviews: Can the date be shifted?

    For organizational reasons, we expect candidates to make arrangements to accommodate a 20 minutes interview at the allocated time. We do consider time zones when scheduling. However, if there are justified reasons, we will try and find alternative dates or times for the interview.

  • Admission Committee Interviews: When will I be informed about the result?

    You will be informed about the result 1–3 days after the interview. However, this is not yet an invitation to the interview week. There will be an internal shortlisting among the list of candidates who passed the Admission Committee interviews, in which group leaders go through the successful applications to check which ones are suitable for their current projects.

  • Admission Committee Interviews: What happens after passing?

    Candidates passing the Admission Committee interview, are in principle qualified for admission to our PhD program and to be invited for the interview week, given that there are suitable groups that are interested in your application for their current projects. Candidates not passing the Admission Committee interview cannot be further considered for admission to our PhD program.

  • When will I be informed whether I will be invited for the interview week?

    You will be informed in the week following the Admission Committee interviews.

Open all answers

PhD Spring Selection 2025

call is closed

interview week:
4–7 March 2025

PhD Summer Selection 2025

call opens 3 March 2025
call closes 6 May 2025

video interviews with admission committee:
16–20 June 2025
interview week:
19 – 22 August 2025

PhD Winter Selection 2026

call opens 18 August 2025
call closes 28 October 2025

video interviews with admission committee:
8–12 December 2025
interview week:
3 – 6 February 2026

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